Journeys to Hidden Provence --The Back Country |
Other stops
The journey is guided by Steve Hoegerman. See his great website at www.frenchfestival.com.
The Back Country. The train had a busy day so there were two cars. Normally there is one.
The hotel on the town square. Our room was the right two shutters on the second floor. .
An old walled city. This bridge is over a river and is over a hundred feet high. The doorway sets the size vehicle that can get into the city. The next two pictures are views of the Citadel above the town and the town from the Citadel.
The Citadel above the town.
The town perched on a bluff above the river. The bridge in the picture above crosses the river near the middle of the picture.
Olives were very important in France. Olive presses are in every village.
This village had been abandoned. There is now a resident who makes goat cheese. The only access to this village is by a two mile foot path from the river valley 2000 feet below. Between the houses and the hillside behind is a deep valley.
One of the inhabitants of the abandoned village. He really got interested when we brought out our picnic lunch.
Transportation options.
Paris —– Cote d'Azur –— Monastery —– Nice –— Hill Towns —– London |